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REAR WHEEL DT SWISS 29 H1900 XD 6Holes 12X148mm
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REAR WHEEL DT SWISS 29" H1900 XD 6Holes 12X148mm

Reference - W0H1900TFDNSA18348

When electric assistance meets the pedaling power of an experienced mountain biker, the possibility of accessible playgrounds reveals an unsuspected richness.

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REAR WHEEL DT SWISS 29" H1900 XD 6Holes 12X148mm
REAR WHEEL DT SWISS 29" H1900 XD 6Holes 12X148mm

When electric assistance meets the pedaling power of an experienced mountain biker, the possibility of accessible playgrounds reveals an unsuspected richness. The H1900 SPLINE was designed precisely with this in mind, and now incorporates DT Swiss' famous toothed crown technology. The Ratchet system distributes the combined forces of the rider and motor over a larger surface area than that offered by ratchet freewheel systems, thereby improving the lifespan of the system thanks to lower peak loads. The 370 hub, combined with reinforced Hybrid spokes and a high-strength aluminum rim, available in two internal widths, allows all of the power generated to be transmitted to the ground.



  • HUBS TYPE: 12x148 / 370 XD with Ratchet LN 18
  • RIM: Aluminum, Hooked / Crotchet tubeless TC
  • INTERNAL DIMENSION: 30mm, 35mm
  • SPOKES: DT hybrid 1 straightpull
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REAR WHEEL DT SWISS 29" H1900 XD 6Holes 12X148mm

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